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Massachusetts Association of Guardians ad Litem

About Us

Who We Are

MAGAL is a professional organization of mental health professionals, attorneys, family service officers, judges, and academics who work in and with the Probate and Family Courts that are charged with resolving disputes over the custody of children. 


Our primary mission is the education of our members and the family law community about best professional practices and relevant policies governing their work.


Members of MAGAL include judges, attorneys, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mental health counselors, visitation supervisors and family service officers. Membership, is by application, subject to board approval, is open to professionals with a practice or interest in child custody.



Education and Ongoing Events

Upcoming Events

Save the date!

MAGAL Spring Conference

TUESDAY May 6, 2025  8:45 AM to 1 PM

Everything you always wanted to know about DCF but were afraid to ask:   

GAL Evaluations and Investigations and other family court matters when The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is involved. 

It will be a half day event at the Conference Center at Waltham Woods. It will also be available on zoom. 

Weekly Activites

Ongoing weekly events and groups for any of our members. Membership in either MAGAL or AFCC-MA is required to join the meetings below

Wednesdays at Noon (Weekly)

Every Wednesday at noon we host a zoom discussion called the GAL discussion group. Click the link below to join.

GAL Discussion Group

Fridays at 1pm (Monthly)

Magal in conjunction with AFCC hosts zoom consultation discussions for those who work at Parenting Coordinators (PC) and those working as therapists with members of court involved divorced or divorcing families (CIT). Each meeting is moderated by an experienced practitioner. Starting in January 2025, each of these consultation groups will meet once a month.

For parenting coordinators, the 2025 meeting dates are 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2, 6/6, 7/11, 8/1, 9/5, 10/3, 11/7, and 12/5.

Click here to join the meeting: PC Discussion Group

For Court Involved Therapists, the 2025 meeting dates are 1/17, 2/21, 3/28, 4/18, 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15, 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, and 12/19.

Click here to join the meeting: Court Involved Therapists



On August 9th, Governor Healey signed into law the Massachusetts Parentage Act (MPA). Many substantial changes to 209C have gone into effect on January 1, 2025.

New and revised Probate and Family Court parentage forms can be found here: www.mass.gov/probate-and-family-court-forms-parentage

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